help with suppliers


May 6, 2004
new york
Hello everyone. I've been searching the internet for companies that carry inexpensive readymade frames. Maybe even in assortments. I found that decor moulding has packs of 25 assorted frames in 5x7 through 16x20 at good prices. most of the asst are really nice (a couple bad ones) but the mark up is nice. About 30-40% of my sales opt for the readymade frames as most people around here don't have alot of money to spend but would still like a proffessional framer to frame their items.
I am also looking for larger than 16x20 (18x24-24x36) If anyone knows of some places I could look i would appreciate it. Thanks. Also lookin for some new custom moulding suppliers that are quality but not unaffordable. hope to hear from all you grumblers!
I have a local supplier that delivers every week. They have started to carry readymades but don't advertise it. Their prices are wicked awesome. You may ask some local suppliers. If they don't currently carry readymades they may consider it.
thanks for such a quick reply. i've asked my local supplier that delivers every week but they don't carry them. my other supplier has good deals but the shipping is killing me. know of any suppliers in ny for those wicked awesome prices???
Huneywood in Monroe, NC will consider any frame they stock a "readymade" if you buy, I think, 3 or 5 of the same thing/ same size.

I have orderd from American Frame in the past when they have something perfect for the picture. Their frames are fantastic quality and the joined ones are perfect. They are more of a retail place, but it sometimes work