Help with History


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Apr 18, 2004
Everytime I close my browser, the history and address line history are deleted. Also, my previous entries are not being completed even though I have those options checked in Internet Options. Obviously, something has been changed, but I cannot seem to figure out how or why. This has never been a problem in the past. Can anyone
Hi Sister,
If you are using IE check Tools- General and see what you have days to keep history set at.Also do you have any software that cleans up files, that is set to do a scheduled cleanup that might have got changed.
I have Windows XP operating system and my virus scan runs at the same time. This however, is every time not just every day.
I have tried to reproduce your problem and cant.I have tried searching the NGs with no luck.
I can only suggest you do a system restore back to when it was working ok.You will not lose any files, but any programs you have put on since the restore date will have to be re-installed. If you don't know how to use system restore just shout.
Thanks, Mick. I will try that; if not, I will deal with the inconvenience. I just enjoyed that small luxury.
I would be interested to know the outcome.