Help with Glass


True Grumbler
Jan 12, 2004
Cumming, GA

I need to understand the difference between "museum" glass and "conservation" glass. Thanks to anyone who can enlighten me.

Our POS shows the Museum costing about 3X and I really can not say why.

Warmest aloha,


Conservation clear is just premium picture framing glass with the UV block, typically ~ 98% in the most damaging range.
AFAIK, UV glass is available from Guardian and TruVue in the US.

Museum is the same, but with an anti reflective coating too, that cuts down glare without getting the typical fuzziness if spaced more than a mat off the work, so you can use it with deeply spaced work.
Museum also provides a clear and very detailed view of the item.
Manufacturers include Denglas and TruVue.
Denglas and TrVue do the anti reflect coat by different processes, and have their own little idiosyncrasies.

We sell Guardian and Denglass specialty glasses here in Australia, specifically our own little region.

You POS stuff sounds like it's pre loaded ?
Likely only a 3x due to the high cost . . . but if you do your sums, you'll likely see that (even with lower multipliers / markup on specialty glass) selling specialty glass vs lower grade glass gives you more $ on your bottom line.
Get the TruVue disp,lay kit for the Museum glass. The difference is impressive! My customers reach out constantly to touch the Museum glass just to check that there is glass on that side!
Anyone familiar with PerfectView? From TruVue, it sounds like the museum glass you described. Is it museum glass? We call it PIA-Glass,it fingerprints up like crazy, cotton gloves when handling are imperative, but it sure looks good, can barely tell it's there. Expensive, but worth it.
PerfectView is just a refined version of the old non-glare - no comparison to Anti-reflective coated glass, such as Museum Glass.

Pat :D
Perfect Vue (UGH!) is reflection control glass with a thin AR coating over the etched (matt) surface only (not both sides) Conservation Perfect Vue is con ref control treated the same. It was apparently introduced as a counter to Zuell's Image Perfect. They are odd, hybrid products, but must have uses somewhere!