Help with a moulding

Creative Crafter Paul

True Grumbler
Dec 20, 2005
Corvallis, OR
I have a customer who placed an order over a year ago, before I was the manager of the frame shop. Now she wants to order 3 more of the same. I looked up her customer history on the SpecialtySoft POS and found the moulding number.

I called West Coast Moulding, but they said this wasn't their'. Any help finding the vendor would be much appreciated.

Paul W
your POS system should be able to tell you the supplier. Looking at the part number - it might be a dummy number assigned by the previous owner.

And yes, a description (incl deminsions) might be helpfull in addition to a picture.
We have a local supplier who carries OEM metal mouldings and that 15 prefix is a common Nielsen profile. Could it be a metal moulding from a local?

Don't you love these little mysteries?
Is that a CMI metal moulding? There was a gent on here last week that is very familiar withthem and he was a good help to me. Chrish04-look for his profile and email him, he is in Vegas, but there is another CMI in CA I think?

I did call CMI in San Diego and they said it wasn't their moulding. I'm thinking it is like a Nielsen 15 profile so I am going with that. She did tell me it was a shiny gold. And since they are giving these out as awards I don't thin they'll really notice the differance.
Thanks again for the help

Paul W