Help with a framing class!

Lauren Tanzio

Feb 24, 2005
Metairie, LA
I am planning a framing class in which customers of mine can come in a learn how a custom frame gets made. I'd like to give them some resources should they want to explore the subject further, but the only resources I have are for framing businesses and "insiders." Does anyone know a good book or website for consumers to get framing info?
Hobbies Today wrote a wonderful little book back in 1917.... I'm sure that...

Sorry, just noticed that this wasn't warped and as you are more of a photo store instead of a frameshop interested in doing their framing.... you are probably serious... my deepest apologies for my crass snide humor...(see Sister, I'm learning)


Framing, mating, and other things have all been covered at one time or another by:

Martha Stewart's Living,
Ladies Home Journal,
Woodshop, Woodworkers Journal, Wood, .....
Hobbies Today
Craft Magazine
Google what you want to hand out in info and start printing.

And then there are all the wonderful books about how to mount your archival photos with 77 or 87...
Only Baer would talk about framing and mating in the same breath.

For some of us, it's a very thin line of distinction.

Lauren, you may need to develop your own material to hand out. The downside is, it'll be a lot of work. The upside is you can tell them exactly what you think they should know.

Even the best of the professionally-written material is going to have stuff that will make a framer cringe.
You handled that very well, Baer.
Ron, you and I both know that the only thing that seperates framing and mating is the thin sheet of glazing.

Just be glad I didn't wing off on some tangent of fabric wrapping . . .

Handled what Sister?
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
Lauren, you may need to develop your own material to hand out. The downside is, it'll be a lot of work. The upside is you can tell them exactly what you think they should know.
But... but... I don't wanna work!! That means using my brain! But you're right, everything I seem to be finding either has too little, wrong, or too much info. Thanks!
As my surgeon nephew likes to joke...

See one, do one, teach one...

Lauren, you will learn more about framing as you put together the information than you would in a year of just "doing".

It's the distilling (easy Charles) of information that brings forth the information recognition and allows us to be better teachers.

Good luck on your class... and as my wife always reminds me before a class:

Check your fly.
Have fun.
Don't dominate the conversation. LOL