Help Needed With Large Canvas


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 14, 2004
Nicholasville, KY
Hi. Canvas is 28.25 by 42.25.
On a very heavy nice stretcher.
Using Vermont Hardwoods #164 which is about 1/2 in deeper than the canvas.

Frame seems to narrow / fragile to support the weight on the canvas. So what do I do for hangers? What do I put on this thing?

Also, anyway to finish the back? I thought about using points and securing the canvas in the frame, filling with foam core and putting a dust cover on, but then comes the trying to get hangers on.

Any ideas?
WallBuddies (clearly the first choice)

or Super Hangers (they look like a mending plate with a pimple)

or Flangers - Flangers are made for the narrowest possible mouldings.

If these are all too wide, put the hangers on the stretcher bars and be done with it.
I love Wall Buddies! My only concern would be how well the frame would hold together supporting the weight of the canvas.

The stretcher bars may be an option..if...I can get it looking good.
If the frame is truly not strong-enough to support the canvas, the WallBuddies will at least add some strength to those top two corners.

But in a situation like that, I'd really consider putting the hangers on the stretchers or on something solid that you build up behind the stretchers.

Or, if you have the Fletcher Multi-master fitting tool (or whatever the one is called that drives the twin-barbed point with a hole in them) use that to hold the stretchers into the frame and then put some short screws through the holes in the points into the stretchers.

That way, the stretchers will strengthen the frame.
Just returned from seeing Kingdom of Heaven with my son - a very good film.

There were about 7 of us in the building that weren't there to see Star Wars.

But it's past my bedtime, Baer, so I'm leaving you in charge.
Just got through framing a 72" x 96" canvas in the very same profile. Used a series of blocks that I first screwed to the back of the stretcher and then to the inside of the rabbet. I milled the blocks down so they were flush with the back of the frame and used double hole "D" rings for hanging.
I then finished of the back of the stretcher by notching a couple panels of foamboard and attaching them with stainless wood screws and shoulder washers.
In your case I would probably just put in a strainer frame to minimize flexing of the frame rails.
and Wallbuddies, of course.
I like the block idea! That sounds like a plan!

Please explain the strainer frame? I honestly do not frame a lot of canvases.

The strainer would be like a non-adjustable stretcher, made from clear 1X2 stock, commercial strainer stock or any clear stock of an appropriate thickness to fit in the frame behind the stretchers.

You miter cut and join it just like a frame.
Steven, with that 1/2" you have left after the canvas is in restricts you to the small strainer stock, which is about 15/32".

You can lay this in behind the canvas, (kind of like a backer board) and nail or brad into the frame.
Then run some 1" screws through pre-drilled holes in the strainer, to attach the strainer firmly to the canvas bars. (2 on the short sides, 3 on the long should be more than enough)

If you're a Wall Buddy person, you're on your own from here.

At this juncture I would dust cover the back with Cambrick cloth or Tyvek. Then using a 4-hole wire bar screwed into the stretcher each side.

This way the stretcher and stretcher-bars end up supporting that heavy frame. :D
baer you beat me to it----strainer that is. build it close, and shoot her in.
it's like 30x40----awww come on! 't'aint that big 'n' heavy, is it?
considering the stretcher is supported by 4 large peices of 2 x 4 ;)
Home made of course by the artist
Just a dumb question:
Why would a strainer even be necessary on a piece with a "very heavy nice stretcher?" It seems like this would add more weight than it's worth.

The frame is just for looks in this case, IMO. I'd use strap/mirror/D-ring hangers right on the stretcher.

edie the tryintokeepitsimple goddess
Frame is just for looks! This stretcher could be used to frame a may have been..

I like the block idea to just bring the hangers level with the back so I can get a dust cover on it etc.
I really need it to look nice. THANKS FOR ALL THE ADVICE!! I appreciate it!! You all have helped so much!