SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Our C & H wall mounted cutter is ailing. It might be in its last throes. We can no longer order the parts. What we need is:
-The whole head assembly and/or
-Slide block #78-8004-0590-6
-2-position blade holder #78-8044-0572-4
Anyone have any ideas where we can get parts? If anyone has these parts kicking around their shop, please contact us. Thanks.
Marie's Frame Shop
(419) 756-6040
E-mail: JanaTK720@aol.com
-The whole head assembly and/or
-Slide block #78-8004-0590-6
-2-position blade holder #78-8044-0572-4
Anyone have any ideas where we can get parts? If anyone has these parts kicking around their shop, please contact us. Thanks.
Marie's Frame Shop
(419) 756-6040
E-mail: JanaTK720@aol.com