Help! Metric Framing Software needed!


True Grumbler
Jul 22, 2000
Perth, Western Australia
Dear non-imperial framers:

I am desperately seeking a sophisticated shopfront framing package based upon m and mm (what most of the framing world uses, apparently :-0)

I am aware of a few metric systems such as Frameit and Frame-it (yes, there are two of them), and Framiac in Australia, another DOS-based package available in New Zealand (I have forgotten the name at present), and have trialled several imperial packages from the North American continent. Two of them promised metric upgrades (yes - I said upgrade intentially :), but nothing has been forthcoming for over a year now...

Any Euro framers out there? Any packages I have somehow overlooked in scouring the Net? Is the US considering improving their measurement system anytime soon? Oh bugger! strike the last one, that'll start a flame war :)

Mike Wilson out of Belgium have a software package also a framer called Johnson who trades as Sceans (sorry no address) out of Belfast has a producr, I had a Demo from him a few years ago and it looked OK, I think you can link it to an accounts package.

ON THE EDGE Picture Framing


You've received above the two best answers that I'm aware for METRIC POS programs. Kris Casier of Cami in Belgium has been the European distributor for his software. He typically shows it at the SACA show in Italy every February. I blieve that he has it available in French, Dutch, German and Spainish. Kris is a really good guy who cares about the industry. His direct E-mail is:

The UK metric software was promoted at the Spring Fair, and has even sent out sample trial CD's with the UK trade publications.

As far as the US vendors offering Metric version, I wouldn't hold my breath! I know you're passionate about metric as a better measuring system, and it probably is. The bottom line is this: 1) North America represents about 40% of the world market in custom framing, and we currently have 4-7 vendors producing POS programs. They just don't have the interest/money to invest into making alternate versions for the world market. 2) The U.S. will not change to consumer metric in the near future. We couldn't even change the highway speeds to metric in the '70's......died in about 9 months....the great experiment!




The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc.
Appleton, Wisconsin
Thanks for the great responses guys/gals - I shall check them out with due diligence. I posted this request about a year ago on the software forum, but with no luck. Thanks again.

1) North America represents about 40% of the world market in custom framing, and we currently have 4-7 vendors producing POS programs. They just don't have the interest/money to invest into making alternate versions for the world market.

And they don't want to expand into the remaining 60%? I would love to increase my market share by that amount :) Come to think of it, sales are up 25+% this year...

2) The U.S. will not change to consumer metric in the near future. We couldn't even change the highway speeds to metric in the '70's......died in about 9 months....the great experiment!

I believe the highway from Tucson to Nogales changes to metric quite a few miles north of the border. It threw me off the first time. I looked up after some miles to see a sign with a higher xx to Nogales. 5kms later the next sign showed that the US road signs had changed to metric north of the border. Perhaps that's where all your metric signs ended up...

BTW I thought you guys would have switched to metric (a French system, after all) at independence - just to stick it up the English. **** - even they changed to the old enemy's system - go figure.

Mike Wilson

Yanks don't quite have the same feelings towards their Anglo cousins as Aussies do.....Heck, most Americans wouldn't even know what a Bloody Pommy ******* was!

And even though the English may have made the metric conversion in the 70's, they still appreciate the purism of the Queen's have to order a Pint of Beer when you go to the pub!




The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc.
Appleton, Wisconsin
Yanks don't quite have the same feelings towards their Anglo cousins as Aussies do.....Heck, most Americans wouldn't even know what a Bloody Pommy ******* was!

And even though the English may have made the metric conversion in the 70's, they still appreciate the purism of the Queen's have to order a Pint of Beer when you go to the pub!
Dear John:
I can't believe the board editor *-deleted the word "drongo". As for litres of beer - they go down pretty well to. In Oz, there are different drink glass size names in just about every state (scooners, middies, pots etc...) The only truism is:
"If you don't start in the morning, you can't drink ALL day"

On the serious side - I have downloaded and briefly trialled Frameman, but have been jaded by the quality of packages like Frameready (unfortunately not metric as yet). Finkels' package (mentioned above at: looks very good on the web site. I am waiting for a response from Emmanuel to trial a demo of the package.

Are there any satisfied metric users out there that would like to pitch their two cents into the rink? Or perhaps two-up pennies :)

Mike Wilson
Mike - We have been using Frameit for about 5 years. Found it to be quite a good system once we got the bugs sorted out. When we started using it the owners were only working on it in their spare time but once they went full time it all worked well - they must have got sick of my darling wife chewing their ear - she is of the opinion that when she is paying the money she is entitled to service NOW - can't blame her.
We had a look at a Framiac download recently but decided to stick with what we have.
Frameit will no doubt be at the Sydney Framing Fair in July . If you can get there it would be very helpful . If you want their email address let me know . Hooroo from Queensland -- Alan

Old age comes to everyone - Immaturity can last forever
Hi Mike,
I have used both Frameit and Framiac, and Have decided that Frameit is the better of the 2. Because it is a DOS based program, it is so fast and easy to install. If you have a look behind the counter of the Post Office, or dress shop, they all use this kind of DOS based program.
As well, I like the fact that it is a one off payment.
It really is a good program - what else can I say?
Please feel free to contact me at if you would like more info.
Jodie Prymke
I agree that Frameit (DOS-based) is the superior of the two in Oz for all the same reasons (other than the DOS-based agrument), but I have been jaded by the likes of FrameReady, and am trying for something in that league.

I am eagerly awaiting more info regarding the Finkels program - their major downfall is that they don't have a demo version, but only a video clip. The web site is not particularly informative either. Perhaps there are Euro-framers out there using Finkels, and willing to comment?

Have a look at this is a metric and imperial software for framers John McAfee out of Belfast is the man, he also has a few framing shops in that neck of the woods.
I had a demo copy a few years ago from him, it looked OK.

Good luck

ON THE EDGE Picture Framing