help, me..fractions to decimals chart

stud d

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 17, 2003
next too you
I used to have a little chart that I could look at while at the counter or working that had fractions to decimal conversion. Does anyone have this? It goes as low as 1/16, maybe 1/32.
I am trying to do work and can not think, any help folks? I know you will do me right, so thanks in advance.

Patrick Leeland
1/16 = .0625
1/8 = .025
3/16 = .1875
1/4 = .25
5/16 = .3125
3/8 = .375
7/16 = .4375
1/2 = .5
9/16 = .5625
5/8 = .625
11/16= .6875
3/4 = .75
13/16= .8125
7/8 = .875
15/16= .9375

yup we have some too!!
Isn't it amazing that most <strike>people</strike> framers, know that a 1/2" is .5". And some even can extrapalate that 1/2 of .5 is .25, because 2.5 is half of 5.

Then there are the few that can figure that maybe if half of 25 is 12-1/2 or 12.5; then maybe a 1/8 is .125 . . .
and of course this is where they get goofy....

it's not .625, it is .<font size=5>0</font>625.

So now if we know the chart:
1/2 .5
1/4 .25
1/8 .125
1/16 .0625

and we have ten fingers or toes to multiply with;
why do we need the chart:

3/16 .1875
5/16 .3125
3/8 .375
5/8 .625
7/8 .875

I use a ruler that swings both ways, but I am usually looking to convert decimals into fractions.

I'm just starting to understand the metric system


just divide the numerator by the denominator and you can always create your own chart if you get stuck

e.g 1/8 = .125

my decimal for today!

My Mat Maestro (when it works at all) works in decimals. My Fletcher 2100, my Incra Rule and my brain (when it works at all) work in fractions. So I had to train my POS to read and display both.

Make a spread sheet on that there deathbox. Make column A = column B and format one column to display fractions - the other to display decimals.

Or go to Home Depot and buy one of those 6" engraved rulers that has decimal equivalents on the back.
The decimals come in when you are using a caculator to figure multiple opening mats.

Let's see, if the frame is 20 inches long, and they want four 4 inch wide pictures in it, that leaves 4 inches of mat to divide into five portions....


and if we decide to do a one inch mat on each end, then the strips in between come out to .666
okay, 11/16
Originally posted by HannaFate:
...and if we decide to do a one inch mat on each end, then the strips in between come out to .666
okay, 11/16
Are you implying it would be one hael of a mat to cut!
Marion wrote:
I use a ruler that swings both ways
Does that mean you have a bisizeual ruler?