Help Locating Bainbridge Matboards


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Sep 25, 2000
Weaverville, NC USA
I need to locate a distributor who carries certain Bainbridge matboard that I can not find and can not order without getting an entire box of each, which I do not need. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Matboard numbers are:

B878443 B898539 B878431 B988442 B868494 B838486 B988442

There are a few others, but this list covers most types.

I have no constructive suggestions, but I am curious about those numbers. They are unfamiliar to me. What do the first two digits mean?

If it's a NC secret, I'll certainly understand.
Those 6-digit numbers are specialty textures on Alphamat.
Carla-Don't you have a regional distributor that will allow you to mix-and-match matboards to fill a carton for shipping? Many will do this.

:cool: Rick
LJ and another local distributor both needed me to order a box of each one. It actually is a moot point now, because the artist just informed me that some of these matboards were unavailable and he was aware of that. I am not familiar with them, that was why I was asking.

Thanks for all the replies.
I wondered why in the world Bainbridge disconinued these When I heard I bought the remaining stock from my supplier. The cream colored one with a black or dark gray under mat was ideal for truly antique photos-- the weave in the pattern with an LJ Queen victoria moulding just SCREAMED "period" O well. ask your Bainbridge rep if they have any in inventory and buy them all, or at least a box. At least you'd be the only one in your trading area with these cool designs.