matt medium
a customer came in last week with a hundred year old serape from her family. it's similar to a poncho, a long sleeveless collarless mexican blanket used to cover the body. this one has think black fringed edges down the side.
we're going to frame it unfolded and spread across a fabric mat in a shadow box. the problem is keeping the fringed edges tacked down. the piece is about 4' x 8' so there is a lot of work to be done to keep the edges down. i'm considering stiching down an inch or so at a time with black thread so the stitch will stay hidden but this seems VERY time consuming. any ideas?
thanks for any help in advance,
we're going to frame it unfolded and spread across a fabric mat in a shadow box. the problem is keeping the fringed edges tacked down. the piece is about 4' x 8' so there is a lot of work to be done to keep the edges down. i'm considering stiching down an inch or so at a time with black thread so the stitch will stay hidden but this seems VERY time consuming. any ideas?
thanks for any help in advance,