I really don't put too much stock in these customers anymore. I figure if they are screaming at me and making a fool of themselves, they pretty much do it elsewhere, too. Of course, there is always the "fact" that they will tell all their friends about how bad we are, etc. etc. Frankly, if that customer is the customer from he**, either their friends already know what they are like or I don't need their friends as customers either.
Right now, I have three names in my computer that I will never do anything for again. I had the sister of a customer stop to see how the customer's order was coming. She decided to make some changes. When I thanked her for stoppin by, I also said that I would have to check with customer before making any changes. Wrong thing to say to sister (who wasn't even paying for the order). Anyway, that whole episode really blew it all out of proportion. I feel sorry for the next person who has deal with them because it won't be my shop.
The third person was eleceted mayor of a small town. Six months later she was recalled. 'Nuf said.