Hello and Question

Silent Partner

Grumbler in Training
Feb 5, 2006
Just bought a frame shop first of March. Daughter knows the business and will manage it. I am trying to help with bookkeeping.

My problem is with 2006 Quickbooks Pro. When I try to record a payroll transaction at the "write checks", QB tells me to go to the employee menu and select "pay employees" or "payroll center".

Well when I go to the employees menu, my only options are: employee center, or add payroll service. It is like QB is guiding me toward paying them for their payroll service and not allowing me to do it myself.

What am I missing here?

Yep, As far as I know the payroll service is an add-on to QB. Probably worth it if you have a bunch of employees since it will factor all employment taxes automatically and produce reports compatible with filing. I have just the one employee and do all the figuring myself. I then enter the information into the software and have to extract it and total by hand the monthly, quarterly and annual reports.

I'm running on QB2002pro, so spme of the specifics may be different, but the basics should be the same.

Welcome to the Grumble, btw.
If you want to Manually calculate payroll for employees you can.

They have hidden the access point for the new version.

go to "Help" (on the top line of the screen page)

in the find tap: type
manually calcualte payroll

at the bottom of the verbage is a link (hot button) to activate the manual calculation function.

Set your company file to use the manual payroll calculations setting.
I use the QB Pro 2006 version. For my wife's business, she has 4-5 employees. We chose to use an accountant to handle our payroll. They do all the witholding & tax issues. I just write a check for the amount designated for each employee for the pay period.
I could use the QB facility, I just don't want the added work.