Hayaku Hinging Tape


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 1, 1999
Holland, PA, USA
I just got in a new roll of Hayaku Hinging Tape. Have they changed the formula? It seems as if there is very little glue on it. I have usued it since it came out and it seems as this box is a bit different. Has anyone noticed this?

I noticed the same thing quite a while ago. However, it seems to work just fine. Several weeks ago I had as a customer a paper conservator for a museum who was in town visiting family. She was doing some work for her mother and I allowed her to hinge her own artwork and she liked the stuff.
I noticed last year that the paper was different- more brittle- than the original. I wrote to Lineco and they wrote back telling me they have had problems w. paper manufacturers going out of business and have had to re-source. I ordered a new roll from United recently and, while not as good as the original, it has improved. It feathers fairly well when torn, which is good. (Previous roll seemed to almost "crack" rather than tear.) As for the adhesive, it does seem a little more sparse than the original, but seems to be effective.
There once was a girl from Aurora,
Who's frame jobs were a scorea,
With her ConClear glass,
and plenty of pazazz,
To Betty in Kentuck, tipped her fedora.

if don't do 17 sillybulls.