Have you seen my customers?


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Nov 15, 2004
Northborough, MA
I haven't. Where did they go? :confused:

Now, I will admit that I have only been open for 7 months, but my business was experiencing nice steady growth. Then March came and the customers went away. Were they all abducted or something?

Has anyone else experienced this bizzarre phenomenon?

Is there a 7 month itch that I am not aware of?

Inquiring minds want to know....

"It's just framing. Not life and death."
Things will pick up in mid-April.

I don't know why. People are agonizing over taxes or the fact that, in a good part of the country. winter refuses to give up and they are sick of it.

The closest thing I've seen to a sales pattern is a slow-down from mid-Feb until mid-April and even that is not 100%.

It's a good time to put together a newsletter or something a little more personal and send it out to people who came in during the first seven months of business.

But honestly, if people don't feel like shopping for framing, there isn't much you can do to persuade them. The idea is to remind those that are ready that you're still there.

And please don't say, "Inquiring minds want to know...."
That's what I thought for February, but they are now coming in. Suddenly, two people at the counter both working with customers - an unheard of experience for my shop, but I'm liking it :D

We are starting our 4th year in April, and we always see a steady increase by month, from one winter month to the next. Take it in stride, its a little scary, but things will start to roll again.

my 2 cents

It's been a weird year with violent fluctuations in revenue that I've only witnessed before on a blackjack table. This week in one location we had 3 straight days without a customer and the 3 other days we were so busy we could barely handle it. Thing is, the whole year has been like that. This week it made for a good one. Overall, it's been mildly disappointing.
Spring Break vacations are big here. Always slows a bit until end of April.
When the weather was at it's worst - and the only people that should have been out on the roads were the snow-plow operators - we seemed to be busier than when the sun was shining!

Go figure!

I see the same thing here in Wayzata, Minnesota. The forecast of snow is seen as a challenge.

“Come on honey, lets go for a ride in the Range Rover”

It is amazing. The wild rollercoaster ride of retail. Who can figure? There is no rhyme or reason to it. Now they are here. Now they aren't. Now they are here. Go figure.
Spring break
It's a beatiful sunny day today
Don't feel like you're alone out there, it's just that time of year.
Thanks All. I know what you mean. It just gets a little lonely after a few days without so much as a phone call.... except your wife. As nice as it is to speek to her, it is always a bit frustrating when it is her on the line asking if you can frame that new photo of the kids with that special order Roma moulding and not some nice customer looking to drop off 10 pieces to be triple matted with a 3" moulding and all the fixin's... I know you all know what I mean

Last couple days have been looking up.