Have you seen answers online?

But doesn't TFG give the very same information ?And no manditory fees,and very liberal registation requirements.
To me that makes TFG a much better deal to anyone.LOL
that is a pretty smart idea...but have a few of her books anyway......but still think the grumbler is best....you get several opinions
Vivian is not only a great framer and teacher - but is also good at promoting her craft to others and making a few $$$ doing so. You also have to admire her as a great entrepreneur!
She may have a good concept that we on TFG can learn from.Maybe we should charge all non framers $3.00 for each answer we give when they sign on.Or has she learned where to make a buck from TFG?
Now if we could just make the payments retroactive we might never have to look for sponsors .
I don't know if you all have actually looked at the site or just the name of the site, which is "answers online." It is not a "board" such as this one where she will answer questions, but instead is downloadable "e-books".

In other words, it is "print on demand" portions of her existing books. If you already have all the books, then you have all the answers. But if you don't and need, say, info on mounting a golf club, you can download the chapter or project info from the "Collectible's " book.

It is no where near what is happening on the grumble.

Oh, and as for getting several "opinions" on the grumble, just be sure to understand that they are just that - opinions. Be careful which advice you follow. We've seen some "doozies" from time to time...

You are correct about the value of these downloads to most Framers who probaly already have Vivian's Books and maybe her Videos. The thrust of the barbs is who ELSE will accesss these dowloads and why they will and if Vivian knows this and is Targeting a different market.

I still belive that non-Framing downloaders could get the same info for FREE on TFG and there is no restictions on who may post here either. So why spend the $$$ regaurdless of who you are. The quwestions are who learned what from whom and why.