Hanging System

J Phipps TN

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 14, 2004
Kingsport TN
I am working on a proposal for a local coffee shop to lease space to hang artists works in their gallery.

The art work would change pretty regularly and we don't want alot of nail holes in the walls.

I've seen the hanging systems advertised in the Decor magizine but haven't heard anything about them.
Do any of you use these, and can you recomend any other company to order from.

Any info would be appreciated! :D
Arakawa makes a nice cable hanging system. You can get the components from LJ or direct from Arakawa.
Jennifer -
Have you addressed security concerns? I know that the Walker system's hook will encircle the wire on the back to prevent (but not eliminate) someone's attempt to "lift" the artwork. I'm not sure if the Arakawa system will do that.
I have the OOOk system in my shop and it looks nice and works just fine. It's not a secure way to hang, though.



The two rods hanging close together are just Edie being lazy and thinking it was a neat place to store an extra rod.
I just recently got the handing system from United. Arrived fast and they will custom cut the rods. The piece of molding that the rods hang from are easy to cut. You need to put your hanging wire on without much slack, or the picture may flare out from the wall.

I am buying this for a customer, who will be changing the art work out regularly. Is this a good sturdy system?

It sounds like United is the only company that sells wholesale. The rest will only sell Wholesale with a $1000. purchase.
We used a Walker system for several years and was pleased with it. It now lies in a storage unit since we closed our shop. We had about 60-70 feet of the rail with all of the hangers. We also used three latice work type free standing display units, formed into triangles onto which we hanged pictures. Also used two freestanding display units 4 x 8 and used front and back Good equipment.

Sold the latice units to an artist but
still have the rest.

Jack Cee