hanging pictures from partitions


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 1, 1999
Holland, PA, USA
A customer asked about hanging pictures from his office partitions. Is there a certain hook made for this purpose? He didn't want to nail into the partitions. He would rather have hardware that clips onto the top of the partition with a hook at the bottom to hold the wire. Thanks.

Susan Gittlen
Whispering Woods Gallery
Holland PA
If he is handy with a lineman's pliers or heavy wire cutters, he could make his own from a wire coat hanger. Bending one end to fit the top of the partition and the other end with a small U-shape bend to receive the hanging wire. This way he can make it so the picture hangs at whatever height he wants.
I don't know of any "hangers" for that purpose but I have seen little flat metal brackets that are made for hanging stuff from the top of doors that may work OK for your customer. They have sort of a "U" shaped bend at the top to fit over the door and another smaller "U" shaped bend at the bottom for hanging your "stuff".

How about these metal clips that are used to hold tablecloths onto a picnic table outside?? They are wide at one end and have a clip or a rollover at the other end and they may do the job.

The furniture supply houses have such hooks. Like Framerguy says, some of the partitions will "take" one of the "over the door" hooks you can buy at Lowe's, Home Depot, or the like. Some of the partitions are too wide though. In my old cubicle days our company had their machine shop take some two inch sheet metal strips and bend them to fit the top of the partition, then cut and bend a hook at the end.

Most of these office environments have a few dozen methods in use if he jsut looks around. People are pretty inventive.
If the partition is cloth covered there is a hanger that attaches to the fabric. It has 2 sharp points that you push down thru the fabric leaving an up- curved loop. I'm looking right at one and I can't describe it any better!! Sorry!
It kind of depends on the make of the cubicle. Some makes have hardware you can order that clips over the top of the partition or between the fabric and the top frame member. I've also used curtain hooks for lighter weight items or even T pins with or without a regular hook (using the T pin instead of a nail through the hook). Poke around with a pin, some of the panels have a perforated metal backing behind the fabric and if you can slip a nail or pin through a hole it will hold pretty well.