Hanging Art work in a church


Grumbler in Training
May 13, 2002
I have an original piece of art work. Which names all the vicars that have served the church since 1200 it is priceless. the problem is it hangs in a very damp church and has suffered. I am carrying out restoration work on it.I have a free hand in its framing. I have no problem doing conservation framing. My problem is how to keep the damp out of the frame , as at some stage it will have to be opened again when the next vicar name will have to be added. Does anybody have any ideas. I have an idea to seal the glass into the rebate with silicon and treat the rebate it self with silicone it is how to seal the back board

many thanks

There are methods to seal the frame package using Marvelseal (a metalized polyester film) but the seal would have to be broken and replaced each time a new name is added. The film is wrapped around the frame package and attached to the outer edge of the face of the glass. The atmosphere is stabilized inside the package and desiccant panels and/or oxygen scavengers can be added.
I'm not sure of the effectiveness of silicon sealant in this application. The only true vapor barriers are metal and glass.