hanging a heavy painting

Danielle Halikias

Grumbler in Training
Mar 22, 2004
Plano, TX
I have just framed a 42" x 52" painting that now weighs about 50 lbs. It will be hung over a mantle. Problem is, instead of hanging flush against the wall it must hang on top of a 3/4' decorative moulding (don't ask!). As a result, the hooks will be 3/4" away from the wall. Can I put a wire on it, or is there a better solution?
Is the decorative moulding at the top or in the middle somewhere? Anyway, wherever it is, I would be tempted to put an extender of some sort at strategic places on the back of the moulding. I envision kind of mega bumpers made of wood and painted black or the color of the wall. Then you could attach your Wallbuddies or straphangers to these and get a firm mount to the wall. Is this at all clear? (we need a pencil and paper here; I can hardly describe something without them...)
Sections of French cleat 3/4 inches thick screwed to the wall, strategically located to miss the molding - with matched locations on the frame.

Pat :D
Thanks Ellen and Pat. I wanted to avoid adding extra holes to the wall, but I know this is probably the best solution.