hangers for a narrow frame


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 16, 2002
Wadsworth, Oh
I'm doing a repair job and the frame is very narrow about 3/4" wide the picture is 20X34 The original hangers I'm not sure of the official names but were a single hook. The flat narrow hanger that uses 2 screws is to wide. What would you suggest using to hang it? The ones that were on it held but it looks like a lot of pressure on the frame.
I think the flangers are to wide for this one. They might stick out along the edge. I'm also worried about the weight factor over time. I have seen something once where the wire is run more like a triangle. Do you think it might need something like that? And if so how do you run the wiring for it?
Flangers come in different widths. If the frame is too narrow for the narrow Flangers, it's WAY too narrow for a 20x34, and you'll be doing another repair - this one for free.
Get some cheap sturdy stock from the lumber yard and put strainers in these. Call your customer and tell her they are needed and will cost $X. It'll save you a re-do down the road.

edie the cya goddess
Originally posted by A.Wise:
The flat narrow hanger that uses 2 screws is to wide.
I've been known to grind the flat part of D-ring hangers to keep them from extending over a narrow moulding. Of course you must use good judgement to avoid removing so much material that their strength is excessively compromised.