Handy Utility Knife

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My store was open slightly over one minute yesterday when I stabbed myself in the finger with my Tim Allen Signature utility knife. Makes sense, doesn't it? Despite this unprovoked attack, this knife is one of the handiest tools I've found, both in the shop and at home.

With the conventional Stanley knife, I would often use a blade that was somewhat less-than-sharp because I was too lazy to change the blade, or I had no sharp blades nearby. This knife uses a cartridge that holds 30 blades. Blade changes are accomplished by rotating a dial. After using 15 blades, the cartridge is removed and rotated 180 degrees for the other 15. Blade depth is adjustable over a wide range and can be locked in place as well as fully-retracted. I have another knife, identical except for the color, that has the Husky label on it. I got that one at Home Depot. (Framar, if you don't have one of these, you deserve one.)
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AnneL:
Looks like one of the phasers they used on the original Star Trek.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That would be the Tim Allen Signature phaser, suitable only for shooting yourself in the foot.
wow....thats quite a tool. i'd for sure be the envy of all my co-workers if i had one of those. lol
Not so fast Framar,
This may indeed be just CGI.


It is on a Holodeck Grid. Ron truly has powers beyond that of normal (or even warped) framers.

Needles to say a special tool for a special man.

Okay, enough kidding.

I have seen dem before. Toooooo coooool

Have you seen the utility knife that uses the MB01 blade? MB standing for micro-blade.

It is like the regular retractable (not like the fancy one) Util. kinfe, but about the whole thing is about as big as your pinky finger. And the blade is 3/8 x 3/4 or so.
Fits on your keychain.

Yeah, I know. Another tool to loose.

I hope you are seeing someone about your case of self mutilation, you know it is good to seek help if things are getting on top of you.
Good eye, Marc. I, too noticed the Holodeck. Always thought there was more to Ron than meets the eye...

Hey, Ron, transport one of the knives to my. You have my coordinates.
Ron, I have more utility knives than you can shake a stick at (although why anyone would want to shake a stick at them is beyond me). I just go crazy in hardware stores.

The knife I use most frequently though is one that belonged to MY GRANDMOTHER! (she was an artist, too)

Tell us MORE about this marvelous device!
This is called a "Nack Knife" though they are sold under a number of store brands. I have seen red and yellow ones on sale for about $8 with one cartridge of 30 blades, though the spiffy chrome models I have were somewhat more. Blade cartridges are about $3 apiece (about 10 cents a blade) and are only interchangeable with other Nack Knives. The cartridges are cheaper in 6-packs. Make sure you have a regular source for blades before you buy the knife.