handmade matting

dave moen

Feb 14, 2005
Riverside, California
just doing more due diligence. i was wondering, if anyone makes hand made picture frame mats?

if not, what do you think about hand mats? are there any concerns here to consider. what sizes would people require.

thanks for you insights.

best regards,

Are you asking if folks still cut mats with a straight edge and Xacto knife? I am sure that some do, but most use a mat cutting machine which has a blade inclosed in a moveable head which is attached to a bar. This gives a much more consistently straight edge and bevel to the mat. Many however have switched over to some sort of computer driven mat cutter.
As to size, I can guarantee that whatever size you cut, that won't be the size they want. (They do this just to annoy us... hehehe) Our store carries precut mats, which are very inexpensive. At least once a week we get asked to recut one. We tell them that we would do it, but that it costs exactly the same as cutting a mat from archival board, so they might as well choose exactly what they want (which they usually do) Hope this helps...
People "make" their own mats by wrapping fabric over existing mats.

The problem with making your own mats would be consistency, and acid levels. I'm assuming you are thinking of using leaves, like banana leaves and palm leaves to go with your hand carved wood frames. Sounds like an interesting product. But it is one I would steer clear of as I would be afraid of the acid levels, bugs in the materials and other concerns.

thanks for your insights... yeah, that is a good point to consider. not sure about the materials used or how to deminishg acid levels or even better remove the acid at this point.

was wondering if there would be a market for a product like this at some point.

best regards,

dave moen
Dave, not to be unkind, but . . .

You will get more specific answers if you ask more specific questions.

Hand-made mats could mean nearly anything. How are we to imagine if there would be a market for them?

When you start talking about de-acidifying mats, I start thinking that The Grumble is not the best place in the world to learn the basics of paper chemistry.
If you want to make handmade picture frame moulding contact a picture frame moulding manufacturer. We have some here on the Grumble, I am sure they would let you tour their facilities and see the huge expenses they incur. What with environmental cleanup and OSHA and workman's comp. etc.

If you want to make paper go to a paper mill. Check out their production machines andhidden costs they incur. Check out the environmental damage and the ways they have to combat it to make the paper we use daily. Check out the bleaching process and the dioxins that are produced. Get a list of the costs you will incur to be a good steward of the third world environment that you plan to set up shop in. Better to start clean than try to clean up after.

If you want to make handmade paper and adhere it to mats find an art school and learn about making paper. Individual sheets may not be that hard to make. But the difference between craft and production is huge! It is similar to the difference between custom and production framing.
DAve check out the thread "On the Framing of Hair". they are discussing paper making and may be of interest to you.
just doing more due diligence. i was wondering, if anyone makes hand made picture frame mats?
Dave, once again, your question is a dead give away that you have not set foot into the backroom of a frame shop. You are asking about things that are way out there.

Are you way out there?