WOW Framer
I have gotten a great new idea which I wanted to share with y'all. We are always talking about ways to reward our best customers, those Frequent Framers, and I have found an unusual approach.
To preface, this idea also springs from another embarassing lack in my brain - the inability to recognize even long-time customers when they walk in my door and say, "Hi, Mar!"
I am creating a bulletin board which will have photos of the customers holding their last framing job. With the digital camera, its easy to let them "OK" the shot, and I have found if they tilt the frame away at a slight angle there will be no hot spot.
I've only done a few so far, but people seem FLATTERED and pleased that I would take their picture and hang it in my shop. And I will be more easily able to remember them when I SEE a picture of their framing jobs!
It is always the framing jobs that I remember, never the customers faces!
Another plus in my area is that the customers all seem inter-related somehow - this one's kid goes to school with that one's kid, these two are neighbors, etc. So when a NEW person walks in the door, he or she might be set at ease to recognize a photo of a friend or co-worker.
Any of you do anything like this?
To preface, this idea also springs from another embarassing lack in my brain - the inability to recognize even long-time customers when they walk in my door and say, "Hi, Mar!"
I am creating a bulletin board which will have photos of the customers holding their last framing job. With the digital camera, its easy to let them "OK" the shot, and I have found if they tilt the frame away at a slight angle there will be no hot spot.
I've only done a few so far, but people seem FLATTERED and pleased that I would take their picture and hang it in my shop. And I will be more easily able to remember them when I SEE a picture of their framing jobs!
It is always the framing jobs that I remember, never the customers faces!
Another plus in my area is that the customers all seem inter-related somehow - this one's kid goes to school with that one's kid, these two are neighbors, etc. So when a NEW person walks in the door, he or she might be set at ease to recognize a photo of a friend or co-worker.
Any of you do anything like this?