"If it weren't for your gumboots where would you be
you'd be in the hospital or infirmary"
Gumboots black, white and all colours between
The strangest yet hardy boots you have ever seen
You see them on children, you see them on Grannys
Fireman, Doctors, Freezing Workers, Farmers
Everyone has a pair or two, because of their hardiness
In the town I lived in, in Central North Island
We used the humble gumboot as our slogan
There is a gumboot throwing contest Easter Tuesday each year
Men's size eight and throw it as far as you dare
I do not know if you can visualise and imagine
Gumboots do not have very good direction
It will sail like an over heavy boomerang
Which you can never expect it to come back again
When the competitions were first introduced
There were no nets up to protect the spectators
Gumboots flew in all directions without a care
Don't forget to done on your headwear!
The Gumboot throwing is now in the Guiness Book
Many people are having a go or come to look
What use to be a serviceable rubber work boot
Has become very famous because of a hoot.
"If it weren't for your gumboots where would you be?
You'd be in the hospital or infirmary."
Amanda_NZ ©
March 2000