Gumble maybe off line for an hour tonight


Founder of the G
Forum Donor
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
I need to do some maintence tonight. Expect the grumble to be offline from 6PM EDT for up to two hours. With luck 30 monutes.


Thanks Ron

[ 10-13-2004, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]
Would that be Bryant or Greg? Oh, never mind. That's Gumbel.

Hey, if you need an hour or two to upgrade that spell-check, take all the time you need.
Hey, Ron give Framer a break - can't you see from his avatar that he's stressed? If he needs to shut down the G for an hour get some sleep, then so be it.

Wait, that would be you that needs the G to be shut down so you can sleep. :D