Guitar with Signature


Grumbler in Training
Jul 7, 2005
Zionsville, Indiana
We have a client that is planning on having their guitar signed. They want to preserve/protect the signature but still remove the guitar from its display box and play it. The guitar has not yet been signed so the question is: Does anyone have a sugestion for a non-solvent sealant or other method that can be used for a standard "Sharpie or Pilot" signature or is there a pen/sealant combination that could be used?
How about a piece of Lexan over the signature attached with little brass screws.
Bevel and polish the edges for a nice finish.
Maybe cut a small mat as well, so the plastic doesn't actually touch the ink.

You probably can't do much to save a Sharpie autograph. That ink will deteriorate with light exposure alone. I suggest going to a scrapbooking store to get a broad-nib pen with permanent ink, such as the Pilot or Zig pens.

Of greater interest to me, how will you frame it? Have you seen Showcase Acrylics' "Enhanced Graviy Groove" acrylic box frame, which is made to open? Just give them the dimensions and select the mouldings -- they'll send you a finished display, ready to hang, including the removable mounting provisions. They had one on display in Atlanta and it was beautifully made.
I agree, Sharpies are dye-based and will fade in a relatively short period of time. You want to use a pigmented pen, such as a Zig memory writer, a Sakura Pigma pen or a paint marker.

Paint markers will give you the widest variety of tip sizes and would be best for a bold signature.

Dave Makielski
I have no fantastic ideas, I'm just curious, who's going to sign the guitar?
Electric or Acoustic? If electric get the individual to sign the pick guard. You can then frame just the pick guard and if the urge hits you mount it on the guitar and frame the whole works later. If there is truly some value to it... why play it. Replacement pick guards are cheap and they are easy to change out.