"Guestures" mat


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Feb 23, 2004
Kennebunk, Maine
One finally came my way. Have any of you ever cut a "guestures" mat for a bride-to-be? (you know... the matting that all the wedding guests sign). The photo will be a 5x7 and she wanted enough matting to comfortably accomodate approx 175 signatures. I planned a 4" border with a v-groove cut 3/8" from the opening in an effort to keep people from signing too close to the photo. The frame size will be 14.75" x 13".

Is there a general calculation to use to figure how much matting would be best for a certain amount of signatures?
Erin, there was a long-winded discussion about those recently.

Do your own search. I have 12 minutes left in my lunch break!

It's here. Be sure to pay close attention to the brilliant and insightful commentary by that framer extraordinairè from New Hampshire.
Don't scrimp on the space! Ask them to bring a whole bunch of pictures in and go for a 22 by 28!

Don't forget they are probably going to be drinking, probably going to be standing up at an easel to sign it. Go big and then cut it down if need be!

Glad you made it back to KBunk. Hop eyou had a good trip down south.
We are pretty clever up here in Northern New England, aren't we? Well, I guess if I were that smart, I wouldn't have had to ask that question, huh? Must be my Southern New England roots... tee-hee...
Kittyface did you see the PBS show on the Declaration of Independance? The reason I bring that up is can you Imagine how much different John Hancock's space is to the rest of the signers.
Well it takes all kinds, so how on earth could there be a STANDARD amount of space.And on those things some think they are signing a year book and put cute little verses.So when you think there is enough make it a little bigger and have the wedding people remind everyone of how many more have to sign.LOL

I was going to make a comparison with the DOI as well, but couldn't remember how many names were on it, and didn't want to look <strike>stoopid stewpid stipud</strike> like I didn't know.

How many did sign it? The DOI not the wedding poster!
Erin -
We do several of these - usually it's a 5x7 opening in a 16x20 mat. (Doing one now for my youngest daughter's wedding March 12th) You can also do same size w/ an 8x10 opening (more photo - smaller signatures)

We also use a "loaner" 16x20 frame (flat face style) to avoid someone signing inside the rabbet area of the mat.

I like your idea w/ the "V" groove to prevent signing too close to the photo - just make sure to back it well so that nobody will break the groove when signing.
Yeah Kit and probaly 55 of them were on 2/3 of the space. Mr.Hancock's name took the other 1/3.LOL Much like what can happen at those weddings.