guess who is coming to Ohio PPFA Oct 24th Meeting!~


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Dec 7, 2001
Okay guess who is coming to the Ohio PPFA OCT 24th meeting!~

We will have two work shops & the PPFA print judging competition will be held!~

Are you coming yet?

Date OCT 24,2005
Time will be 1-5pm for the Secrets of Online Success-Website design workshop taught by (guess who) cost $50.00 members
This will be good if you already have a web site or are just thinking about one. It includes info on web shopping carts, SEO, positioning, web business in general!~ If you don't know what some of that means you need to be there!~
[b}Guess who is going to teach this!~[/B]

Date OCT 24,2005
Time will be 7pm-9:30pm 21 tips to Survival; how to stay ahead of the curve and your competition, new ways to market your business$20.00 for members
Guess who is going to teach this!~

Date Oct 24, 2005
Time 7pm
Competition framing must be delivered to Peninsula Art Academy by no later than 4:00pm. Or may be dropped off earlier at McKay Bricker Gallery in Kent, 330-673-5058 ; I've Been Framed in Canton, 330-452-7337; or the Art Galleryin Willoughby, 440-946-8001d
If you have not gotten the Competition Piece (which is an Artists brush) and would like to enter the competition contact Stephanie at I've Been Framed 330-452-7337 or ivebeenframed@neo.rr. Prizes $200 $100 $50. HM's

You ask where?
Peninsula Art Academy
1600 West Mill St
Peninsula, Ohio 44264
for map web page

If you have no clue as to who will be teaching the workshops!~ Check back I will post some clues as needed!~ First person who guesses and attends the meeting will Get a Halloween Bat Mat!~
Designed and cut by non-other Than Me!~

By the way we already have some door prizes!~ Thanks You Framtek!~

If anyone else would like to donate a door prize let us know!~
Clue one He gets a little cheesie sometimes!~
Kathy, Kathy, Kathy,

Good guess....but there's no "i" in Ranes; well actually 2 of them, but they're at the end of my name. :D

John Ranes II

P.S. Looking forward to this trip to Ohio!
John "Ranes" II
We are looking forward to your two workshops!~ I have seen and heard you before and I know they will be very info packed!~

Kathy GREAT guess I look forward to seeing you at the meeting and you can collect the "Batmat"

I can't wait to see the ideas for the print competetion!~ This was a challenge It is a real artists paint brush.

Remember OCT 24TH
1:00pm for the first workshop
7:00pm for the print competetion
7:05pm for the second workshop

I hold to see some members or non-member there that have not been to a meeting before!~ This is one you should make time for!~

any questions just ask you can get a map on how to get there from the first post!~
John, John, John, I am sooooooo sorry. I know there is no "i" in Ranes. Mea culpa.

Gumby, I will not be able to collect the prize as I live all the way in Colorado. Please pass the mask on to some needy framer along the way!

Plus, Gumby, could you please tell me how well Monday meetings are attended? We need to try one here. In fact, we will have one coming up in August. We have been sticking to Sunday's for the big meetings.
Sorry about that got busy!~ LOL

The answer is: Same price for the work shops for non-members as they are for members!` That should get you there!`
IF you join PPFA at the meeting It is $50.00 for membership!~

J Paul hope to see you there!~

A reminder about the competition

If you have not gotten the Competition Piece (which is an Artists brush) and would like to enter the competition contact Stephanie at I've Been Framed 330-452-7337 or ivebeenframed@neo.rr. Prizes $200 $100 $50. HM's

I am going to enter so you do not have to worry about being embarressed!~ Mine will no doubt be the worst there!~LOL So call Stephanie get your brush and get going!~

I hope this will be a big turn out it will be good to get together to talk about how good we are doing or how bad things are & see who is selling supplies at good prices!~

Again thank you FrameTek for the donation of Three door prizes!~
If you have ever used the rabbet space or the glass spacers or Their Nori Paste you know these will be great door prizes!~

If you think about it RSVP to I've Been Framed in Canton, 330-452-7337 / ivebeenframed@neo.rr.
Anyone have any questions about the meeting or unsure whether to come or not?
Just heard from Mr. Ranes and he has made all the arrangements to be there on time!~ Hope everyon eelse is!~
Jpaul are you coming? I have a door prize for who ever travels the most distance!~!~
Gumby, I'll be there with my framed entry.
May have to stay up late to get it done. Just got the brush yesterday, planed my design today, get materials Thurs. afternoon, and then there is the customers work before I can begin on the competition pc. But I'll be there.
JPaul, Well there goes my chances of getting a prize!~ Hope to see you there!~ Win, lose or draw(paint)!` LOL

Anyone else going to make it!~

The meeting is going to be held in a brand new facility!~ If you have never been to Penisula it is a quaint little tourist town!~
If you don't show up I will have to give the door prizes to myself, Not that I mind!~

Besides that I think if we have record attendence Stephanie said she might dance on top of one of the tables while Mr Ranes gave his presentation!~ LOL
JPaul got my brush done !~ Now I am tearing it apart
because I don't like it LOL

It's 5:15pm......where the h**** are you? There are four competiton entries already on display....and we're wondering where yours is!


P.S. Hello from Lori :D
I hate to say!` I am being held for ransom by my customers!~$$$$ Send $2000.00 and I will drop what I am doing and come now!~ I have 4 jersey's to get out by tomorrorow afternoon!` Sorry will not make the comp!~ Lucky for everyone else!~