guess what I just framed...

J Phipps TN

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 14, 2004
Kingsport TN
Art made from Elephant Dung. That's right Elephant poop!

Evidently, they dry the stuff out and carve stamps and print on these things. It looks like very fragile paper.

And, No, It doesn't smell! :rolleyes:

A friend of mine's son is going to be a missionary to Africa, and the people he served with this past summer came to visit and this was a gift from them.

The funny part is that it is a "limited edition" piece!

If I knew how to send a picture I would. It framed up beautifully floated on black mats in Larsons Primitive Collection.

Just thought it was very strange,

The funny part is that it is a "limited edition" piece!

I've seen many limited edition pieces of crap but this could top them all. Maybe not. Is it a giclee? Etching? Serigraph? Sounds more like a monoprint. Wish we could see a picture.
Well, that explains alot about THIS photo!! :eek:


Now I understand why this poor girl is actually collecting all this "roughage", she's gonna make paper out of it!!

(Probably a starving artist wanting to do some limited edition prints.)

All kidding aside, and I do feel a little weird asking, but... is this an example of when to avoid buffered matboards? Would dung be considered animal protein or plant protein?
plant protien from an elephant. They are herbivores.

Elephant dung would have a lot of fibers in it, and probably does make nice paper. I would handle it with gloves though, since I have no idea what bugs might live in it, or what process the paper went through (or didn't go through)
I had a "Turd Bird" once. Bought it on vacation (I was ten, mind you!) at one of those roadside tourist places. This was before Pet Rocks. It was made of horse poop with feathers and eyes stuck in it. Kinda cute. My cat ate it (No thanks for a kiss, Kitty). Must've been the feathers!
is this a classic case of "there's one born every minute"?????????
Yeah Bill, guess I was one of the "one"'s! But I was only ten! There must've been a lot of other "one"'s because they sold a lot of those Turd Birds! And look how many million Pet Rocks were sold? What other Totally Useless Silly Stuff has taken off and made millions for someone sitting around with way too much time on their hands, but enough guts to take the risk?
My grandmother had a "junk drawer" in her kitchen. Every useless little thing went into that, she never threw anything away...broken pens, parts of clothespins, a little doll's arm,buttons, nuts and bolts, etc. Come Fall she would ask people to save those big round wine bottles for her. Then she'd dump that drawer out on her kitchen table and glue all that stuff to those wine bottles, spray paint them and would sell them for $50 each! People would start ordering "Maudie's Junk Bottles" months in advance. She sold every single one, and when she ran out of her own "junk" she'd collect other peoples junk drawer stuff. She made a lot of money, enough to buy all of her 18 grandkids' Christmas presents, sold to those "ones born every minute". I have inherited my Gramma Maudie's packratness, but sadly, haven't made any money from it! Hmmmm...anyone still drink Gallo wine?
How did you mount it … <u>P</u>achyderm <u>M</u>ounting <u>A</u>dhesive?

<font size=-30>Man, I crack myself up!</font>
Oh guys, you just made my evening with a wonderful laugh. I've often told my clients that I'll frame anything as long it never slithered in a previous life, I may have to add this to the list.

The funny part is that it is a "limited edition" piece!
Oh I dunno, look at the crap Kinccade has been selling as limited editions all these years.
Roxanne. I think many of us have framed snake skins, those slithered in another life! Still gives me the willies, but...I'll frame just about anything as long as it isn't still slithering!