Grumbler Special - Xmas

John Ranes II CPF GCF

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Nov 5, 1997
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc
Type in the word Grumbler in the Discount Code field to receive a 15% discount on
this Picture Framer Nutcracker .

This Holiday Grumble special offer will be valid through December 31st. Thanks for allowing me to interrupt, our normal discussions for this quick advertorial. :D

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone,

John - that nutcracker is real cute - if I collected nutcrackers I would surely want one.

BTW - I would change the spelling of the next one to "Blue ROBED Santa." Unless someone Blue ROBBED him and he is naked! I didn't wait for the picture..... LOL!
I'll have to check with the other moderators (a mixed bag, if ever there was one) and see if we can allow a commercial post on the main Grumble forum. We have very strict standards, ya know.

We may have to move it to the new nutcracker forum.
Type in the word Michaels in the Discount Code field and receive a 50% discount on the Picture Framer Nutcracker.

(Just trying to bring this to the top for ya, John.)
Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
Whoa! John. After they see the price for a nutcracker, do they ever think framing is expensive? But cute :D
Hi Baer,

Like fine Italian moulding, hand crafted wood turned nutcrackers come from Europe. Fine framing priced over $200 is seldom "cute", but I'll take your comment on this nutcracker as a compliment....indeed, he is cute.

When I opened my shop back in 1978, true German nutcrackers were priced from $69-$139, but of course I had corner samples priced in the $1.50 - 2.50/foot range back then too. ;)

Premium nutcracker collectibles today run on average $189 - $295, with a few in the $300-500 range. Unfortunately the exchange rate has not been helping...

Euro at all time high!

Sorry Ron, no Michael's 50% discounts at our shop....even on nutcrackers.


BTW Lance, Had we hooked up in Australia in July, you would have seen that the mustache and beard are gone.....I was getting too many remarks about this similarity thing. :D
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
Type in the word Michaels in the Discount Code field and receive a 50% discount on the Picture Framer Nutcracker.

(Just trying to bring this to the top for ya, John.)
I hear that if you mention Michaels you get a 50% SURCHARGE not discount!