Roxanne Langley
CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Many months ago after Katrina we as a group had started talking about putting together "The Grumbler Special Fund," to help out our fellow framers when needs arose. The fund was established with a bank acount open under the same name and over the past few months there have been contributions made and dispursed to our friends in need.
This post is simply a gentle reminder to everyone that the fund is alive and well and if anyone would like to contribute you may send your contributions to me at the address below. I have set up an e-mail group folder so that as any funds are to be disbursed we are all in touch and can make a joint decision as to how much and whom when needed. And remember no amount is too small, when lumped together it becomes a large sum.
Thanks everyone for their contributions so far and if anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail me directly.
Have a wonderful day,
Roxanne Langley
This post is simply a gentle reminder to everyone that the fund is alive and well and if anyone would like to contribute you may send your contributions to me at the address below. I have set up an e-mail group folder so that as any funds are to be disbursed we are all in touch and can make a joint decision as to how much and whom when needed. And remember no amount is too small, when lumped together it becomes a large sum.
Thanks everyone for their contributions so far and if anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail me directly.
Have a wonderful day,
Roxanne Langley