It has come to my attention that some Grumblers are having trouble inserting Graemlins in their messages. That doesn't seem like such a loss to me, but there are times when they are handy, so I'd like to figure out if there is a pattern to this problem. If you are having this problem, or others that you don't believe <U>everyone</U> is having (like the lack of a search function,) please leave a message here with the following info. Maybe this will help Framer, who we all know has nothing else to do, to diagnose the problem.
- The nature of the problem </font>
- Does it happen always on all forums? </font>
- Do you use a Mac or PC (or a Timex Sinclair?) </font>
- Do you use AOL? </font>
- What browser do you use? (e.g. Netscape, MS IE, Opera?) </font>
- How serious is this problem for you: Minor annoyance, pet peave, life-and-death? </font>