Grumble Problems?

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
It has come to my attention that some Grumblers are having trouble inserting Graemlins in their messages. That doesn't seem like such a loss to me, but there are times when they are handy, so I'd like to figure out if there is a pattern to this problem. If you are having this problem, or others that you don't believe <U>everyone</U> is having (like the lack of a search function,) please leave a message here with the following info. Maybe this will help Framer, who we all know has nothing else to do, to diagnose the problem.
  • The nature of the problem </font>
  • Does it happen always on all forums? </font>
  • Do you use a Mac or PC (or a Timex Sinclair?) </font>
  • Do you use AOL? </font>
  • What browser do you use? (e.g. Netscape, MS IE, Opera?) </font>
  • How serious is this problem for you: Minor annoyance, pet peave, life-and-death? </font>
I considered trying to make this into a poll, but there are too many variables. Also, I was afraid I'd forget somebody's favorite operating system, like Unix, and start a war.
I personally don't care :rolleyes: to use Graemlins with my posts. They
seem to detract from the :confused: fine typing skills that I
seem to possess.

If I did try to use Graemlins it would :mad: simply be to add some color
(woof) to a post and not to put
any emphasis on what I am trying
to say.

Framerguy, a man of few Graemlins.
  • Sometimes on the main grumble when I read a thread then hit the back button, the list has reverted to an earlier state and none of the folders are yellow. I have to hit refresh to get it back to the way it was when I logged on.
  • This has only happened on the main grumble forum so far.
  • I have a PC.
  • No AOL here, I use a regional provider (Corecom).
  • Internet explorer
  • Minor annoyance, but it is happening more frequently.

Anne LeBouton

P. S. I like the graemlins and find myself wanting to use them in regular emails and documents I am typing. Does that make me a graemlin addict?
Check your properties for Internet Explorer. Under the General Tab Select Settings under temporary Internet files. Under Check for Newer Versions of Stored Page change Automatically to "Every Visit to the Page" Say OK and Apply that should clear it up.