Grumble Gremlins?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
When I'm through reading a topic, I hit the Back button and get taken back two days. To return to today, I must do Refresh. This just started: anything to do with d/l-ing Google's toolbar? (That's only half in jest.)

Am I alone in this queer little annoyance? In addition, the transfer from topic to topic seems herky-jerky.
No, that used to happen to me all the time, but I switched browsers to FireFox and the problem went away..

and that is assuming that you're running Internet Explorer. If so, you could try this: go to the menu item Tools->Internet Options.. on the new screen that pops up, you should already be on the the General tab. In the middle of this page there's a section called Temporary Internet Files. Try clicking the Delete Files button to clear your saved files cache, as I've noticed weird things happen when it gets full. DON'T CLICK DELETE COOKIES unless you want to log on again to the Grumble and every other site that stores your info in cookie files.

Hope that helps!
Steve, thy name is Cap'n Billy Whizbang. Thanx: it worked.
Sa-a-aaay, now. Is someone messing with my mind? Today I've fouled up two orders, miscut a mat, and disappointed a customer. And posted to the wrong forum, too?

And, unfortuntely, my problem has returned. I'll have to live with it, I guess.

[ 08-23-2005, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: MerpsMom ]