Grumble Dinner - Las VegasShow


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 26, 2003
Alberta CANADA
The Framing Nook
I am thinking of going to the las vegas show in Jan and noticed that you had an Atlanta Grumbler dinner - that would be cool for Saturday just before the convention - anyone interested?
What a cool idea.... 78% of the attendees don't show up untill Sunday night....Nobody but you will be there Saturday night.....

but go for it.

Personally, most of us hold out for the 4th annual Great Limo ride and Chinese Dinner....Tuesday night.
If we go to Vegas, count Andy and I in. (unsure as of now)
We are going to LV for the show and just a reminder to get those airline tickets booked early if there is truth in gas price scare. We booked on Aug 8 (Allegiant Air) and it was 200.00 round trip. The tickets have already gone up and they are suppose to go even higher. We are flying out on Sunday night and staying for a week.
well Monday or Tues night works too

If someone on the grumble is from Las Vegas maybe they can recomend an establishment & meet there. There is a great place in the Hilton - can't remember the name - its a buffet - I am not sure they need reservations - its huge place.
If its Monday, count us in. If its Tuesday night, we will be in the air and on the way home.

We were booked last night - staying at the Hilton.
The reason we didn't plan our dinner for Monday night is because that is the night of the PFM cocktail party where in the past, there is enough food and drink to not want to go and eat a big dinner afterwards.

PFM is extremely generous with their free drink tickets, and the food served is very worthy. If you are at the Hilton, you should make plans of at least stopping by. It usually starts immediately following the close of the trade show.
Also Saturday nights at Vegas hotels are generally a lot more expensive than week nights.