grumble chat

Good fun. Stopped in and chatted a while. Dont forget to enter your Grumble screen name at bottom.

One suggestion, if you haven't already done it, keep the link obvious and easy to use and people will. If I have to go to bookmarks to find it, I may never use it. Maybe someplace right on every page we view.

I will come back after Vegas. I've been so busy getting classes written and doing customer stuff. After orlando I will have breathing room. And you guys thought this teaching stuff was easy!!
Framer has generously offered to put a link on top of the grumble, pointing people to visit us in chat.

The reason it's not there now is my fault. I can't figure out what to put on the banner. :(

The chat itself has been a great success so far. Lots of people grumble and chat at the same time.

Originally posted by Mike-L@GTP:
The reason it's not there now is my fault. I can't figure out what to put on the banner.
I thought you had some GREAT ideas yesterday!
All I know is when a site needs Java it asks you to download Java. That is what I did..don't remember why or how...just happened. I am of no help...

I sent it over to Bill (Framer) Saturday afternoon, but after his normal business hours. We had a blizzard here (same state) and the state is pretty much shut down today. The Gov requested all private businesses, schools, etc to remain closed until Tuesday.

I suspect it's probably waiting in his IN BOX until Tuesday morning.

Hi again Mike... Well, I guess I'm impatient. :D Here it is, Tuesday morning, and still no banner! LOL

Catch you all soon, in the Chat room!