With many artists, the market just sunk. Wildlife prints are in the hole right now. All of our publishers have dropped. Custom framing is the only thing bring us any money these days. Sure we have a few print orders here and there, but am I glad we can frame.
I am on GWs email list and get my 1 email a month at my personal mail, and a few every 2 weeks or so as a dealer for feedback or pre-orders.
Of all the publishers, GW has been the most consistent with policy, and quality. I've had very few comlplaints from clients- none from me personally. I collect Christensen, and have had no problems (nice guy, too. I met some GW artists in Scottsdale last month).
The secondary market (informart magazine, or art expediter) is controlled by those selling on it. If your client will buy it for listed price (or higher), they are contributing to the suggested market value.
In all fairness, a lot of Doolittle pieces will fetch current "value", whether or not its inflated. She's popular and 500,000 prints vs. total US population is not a whole lot. She recently released some stone lithos (editions of no more than 75).