I applaud your customer in her innovative thinking and her perserverance in getting her idea off the drawing board and into production so quickly.
However, I am a bit reluctant to spend one hundred and any dollars on a kit without knowing what is in the kit. I am also curious as to how test were run on various objects to determine the safety of this procedure for c/p mounting.
I receive 4 different store fixtures catalogs on a far too regular basis but I notice in all of them, the tagging guns that are offered as a kit run from $19.95 to $45.95 with the gun, extra needles, and about 10,000 assorted fasteners.
What is in this Attachez kit that would make it so much more expensive when it is produced by at least one of the manufacturers that also produce the kits meant for tagging clothing? There is a big difference between a $50.00 tagging gun that looks the same as the Attachez which sells for $160.00
Please don't take this in any manner other than it is intended. You haven't supplied much in the way of specific information on this product and the website doesn't have much information either. I am simply curious as to the makeup of the new product and why I should buy one.