Great frame

Paul N

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Jun 10, 2005
CT, not far from the LI Sound
I thought I'd share this great frame with you: (The gold rope is part of the frame, by the way)


I love the fact that instead of a plaque on the frame, you engraved the wood easel.

Nice picture too. About 8x8?
Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
I love the fact that instead of a plaque on the frame, you engraved the wood easel.
You noticed huh?? Actually the easel supplier does that with all their easesl, pretty convenient... ;)

Nice picture too. About 8x8?

Painting is 16x14. Frame width is about 5".
What a bunch of framers we are!! No-one has even mentioned the painting!("what painting?") Paul, tell us something about the painting! Is it new? Old? Since the teapot is blue&white...Delft, maybe? Dutch? Or the teapot is Chinese? Copied by the Dutch, passed down and painted by an American?
Tell, please, about the pretty painting!
P.S. Lovely frame, btw, but I wonder if the little painting is jealous?

The painting is about 30-40 years old. Artists unknown. But it does look like a Chinese Teapot with Dutch-influenced painting.

Good observations Val, I didn't expect any less of you....
My maiden name was 13 letters long and began with Vall... Generations ago, before my ancestors immigrated from Holland, it began with Van... Must be in my jeans. I mean, genes. I love Dutch paintings. Vermeer is my favorite artist of all time.

I have a similar painting at home, but the teapot is a brown stoneware like one my grandmother gave me when I first moved away from home, and the fruit is nectarines, and the backdrop is white satin (Hmmm, not very similar after all, eh?) Artist studied the Vermeer style. He was a very young, incredibly talented artist, just beginning to "come out". I framed it for him to sell, then bought it myself, his first sale! I wonder whatever became of him.

It desperately needs a different/new frame. I'm going to take it to the shop with me tomorrow.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Yes Val, when I framed this piece I couldn't help noticing how Dutch it looked!

And Yes, Vermeer and Rembrandt are VERY high on my list too!

I do hope you did visit Holland's museums .... ;)
Never been to Holland! Except on the 'Net. It's high on my to-do list, and if I never make it, it's on my "things to do in my next life" list. That's a long one. Have you been?

This winter I had the honor of being trusted to frame a painting said to be painted by a student of Rembrandt's. Wow! I couldn't talk about it here, because I was sworn to secrecy by the owner as long as it was in my possession. A very high point in my framing career.