Gotta Brag


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 12, 2003
North Carolina - Picture Framing Capital of the Wo
Hope it's not bad form, but because Kassandra won't, I will....

CPF results came today - and she PASSED :cool: :D

Ladies and Gentlemen, a big round of applause for the newest CPF here, please

(guess that means I'll have to take it next year)

I think I sat behind y'all at the FACTs meeting on Sunday.. if so, your avatar suits you both perfectly!

What a nice beginning of the week!
Awesome. And you never said anything about it this weekend. "Congrats" I say with a hint of envy!
Yippee, Kassandra! Tony, have the family make up some of that great soup Kassandra was telling me about. Y'all can share as a congratulatory gesture.

P.S. Kassandra, I asked Merp about it: she knew exactly what it was and rather feels like Tony.
Congratulations Kassandra!

If your husband can show his pride in your efforts, then we can all applaud as well!

Congrats Kassandra! Maybe your hubby will make a cake for you like the one Rick's wife gave him for his b'day this wkend. (Picture is posted on Warped)
Congratulations, Kassandra!

Here's a cake for your celebration. Shania Twain, a personal friend of mine, asked me to send it to you.(she didn't know whether your name was spelled with a 'C' or a 'K', so she put hers on it)

Congratulations, Kassandra!
Now you are under even more pressure to get that certificate framed in some spectacular fashion, in strict accordance with c/p slash FACTS guidelines.

edie the oneofthesedaysiwillframeminetoo goddess
Thanks, everyone! I am pretty excited myself. :D The best part is now my name comes first on our posts!! ;) Of course, the order for new business cards will go in tomorrow!

Had a great time seeing a lot of you in Atlanta, and really enjoyed the classes, too.

PS to MerpsMom: I think we will celebrate by NOT making that soup - I just can't get over knowing what is in the soup. :eek: