Gothic Arch Frames?

Tim da Prez

True Grumbler
May 12, 2004
Columbus Ohio
I'm looking for what I call a "gothic arch" frame: comes to a point at the top, curves down on the sides, and flat across the bottom. I may be making this up, but thought I saw something like this in an old Schiftan Co. catalog, but cannot track it down. Any ideas out there? Thanks!
Was that the 651-7?

You might talk to In Line Ovals, but don't expect very fancy. If I remember the Schiftan GArch was a very nice piece with a coved crinelation.

Did you need the arch to be Catinary or is a Progressive OK?

I would call Bill Mosser at (541) 395-2790 and see if any of the whack jobs (closed corners for heavan) that he reps for can perform the miracle.
I know the one I rep for can't even immagine the complexities, and I don't have the overhead router and CAD/CAM to run it.