Good Magazines to Take...


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 10, 1999
Howards retired
On another thread, some folks have mentioned good magazines to grow your business.
We take Craftrends, CNA, and of course the framing trades. Craftrends has a lot of really good articles about running an independent store in the face of conglomerates.
What ones do you find helpful?
I can hear it now, someone said, "Oh geez, now she's gonna get Betty started!" :rolleyes: I'm sorry, I just can't help it.

I've mentioned (numerous times) about the business magazines that I take, but in addition to those I like:
"The Crafts Report" for the business of craft artists and galleries.
"Southern Accents" for the look at fine Southern living, antiques and such.
"Country Home" for keeping an eye on trends.

If your eyes are open, you'll find info everywhere.

You go Betty. I love Country Home; it makes me think of Pidgon Forge and few other places.
Also Sunset Magazine is an amazing magazine in that it prints a generalized ad campain but the articles and such are regional. They are not just about the southwest anymore.... Sunsets happen everywhere. For trends, Arcitectural Digest is a great magazine to have laying about your gallery.... It lend a certain cashe.
Fine home buildings annual Houses issue is a great touch for looking how people would like to decorate their homes.