Good framing designs for college degrees

Angie Pearson CPF

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Mar 4, 2005
Poplar Bluff, MO
Hey all I am graduating from college in a couple of weeks and I'm so excited!!!! Anyway I'm going to have a degree to frame now and I just wanted to see if anyone has any neat design ideas that they've done in the past for degrees/diplomas. I'm sure you all will be framing plenty soon anyway with both highschools and colleges graduating people all over this time of year so I thought it would be a great time to share some ideas. I'm a little dry on them right now but I worked so hard to get my degree I want something really good!! If you have any pictures that would be awesome!

Angie - what is your degree in? Perhaps that could steer you to an idea for the framing of it!

Like, fr'instance, a degree in Philosophy could have a "French Mat" with famous quotes from famous philosophers.

Or if your degree is in art you could paint the mat in a Jackson Pollack fashion.

All of the diplomas I have ever framed (even for art degrees, I'm afraid) have been very staid and business-like. Can you say B O R I N G ?
Well. That's a pretty wide-open question, and the slightly flippant answer would be whatever looks good.

As with anything, it all depends on the look you're after, but I'd say don't be afraid to go all-out. After all it's probably the most expensive piece of paper you'll ever own.

A design you almost can't go wrong with is a lovely frame, neutral mat and a fillet. A black mat is always elegant, or you could go with something similar to the color of the paper. And it goes without saying that a fabric or fabric-wrapped mat is the cat's meow. Care to chime in here Baer? Of course for better preservation you should put another mat below the fillet, and that one could be the same color as the top, or an accent color.

Now some people like to do the school colors in the mats. This is just my opinion but I think that's kind of tacky. I mean it's great if you're a 22 year old frat boy, but it may look a little silly when you're 30 and have a nice office. So I'd suggest in those cases a neutral mat on top and then a small accent of the school colors with a couple bottom mats. If it's a light colored top mat I'd put a v-groove in it. Or the school colors could be incorporated with some nice French lines.

And again, purely my opinion, but I don't care to frame the tassel and other doodads with the diploma. It's ok for high school, but I think it cheapens the degree. You could always frame the tassel, some photos and the announcement in a second frame and get another job out of it.

Whatever you do don't put a "simple black frame" or a "certificate" frame on it. Boo hiss. I don't know where customers got the idea that diplomas are supposed to go in little black frames. But absolutely do use conservation glass or museum glass, and despite what some may tell you, don't drymount it.

Was this at all helpful? Your question may get more discussion if it were on the Grumble forum. Yes, I know this is the design forum but there's just not much traffic here.
I want this thing decked out!!! My degree is in Psychology with a minor in art and I haven't decided anything about the way I want it framed that's why I'm looking for ideas! I want it preserved, and I want to frame my degree by its self...

Dave-thanks for all the suggestions, I don't like the tassel things much either and I don't think I want anything like that unless someone has a really fantastic idea for that. and yes it was a very expensive document indeed.

Framar-I think you may be on to something with working my major into the design. I could make a channel cut in the mat with a water color border in my style of art... but what about the psychology?

Anything else?
Angie, I don't have much to add to what Dave suggested, but I do offer my congratulations to you! My son graduates soon (he's doing the 5 1/2 year plan so far) and when his name is called out to receive that diploma, I may jump up on the stage and do the happy dance! His diploma will be framed and used as a window display at my shop for a few weeks.
How about a hand tooled leather frame that has furniture tacks around it to represent a couch. Fabric wrapped mats (pillows). Diploma on top, a picture of Sigmund Freud below that with a cigar shadowboxed beside his picture! ;)
David that sounds interesting..... I think I would like to do something with a brain... cause my favorite part of psychology is neuroscience... which heavily focuses on the brain and what certain parts of it does and how certain chemicals in the brain cause you to do certain things.... make sense?
Well Angie, you could show a graph of the brain w/little arrows (and small captions) pointing to the parts of the brain that made you try new things in college while working towards the diploma. Things like drinking, partying, studying, art, songs, sex, food, changing majors, etc. Did I understand your "chemicals in the brain" explanation?
Angie, BS or MS? If a BS, I don't understand the "Minor" part.

Is this your Psychologist Degree that you will be hanging in your office or the BS that will be in your bedroom?

If it's going home or to the frame shop... go nuts! (a little psych joke), but if you're going to hang in a clinic....stay a little more concervative.

Roar Shock the mat or just French line or Gold Fillet (ragboard fillet - - see PFM issue) with a nice neutral pongee silk and antique cherry frame.
How about a nice fillet that includes the continuous loop "....ofmindofmindofmindofmind..." as a detail. :eek:

Being a bit of a minimalist, and thinking that 4 years of effort should be displayed with a bit of respect, I'm thinking less is better. The few design elements can be individually elegant, but balanced and subtle. I like Baer's suggestion, though would also consider a very traditional black and gold frame as well.

The nice thing is, you can reframe it if you grow weary of what you do. (If you could get really good copies made, you could use it for a comparative framing series).
Now there's a cool idea Wally! After copying the diploma and framing it several different ways, you (the master of putting together votes ;) )could have people vote on the one they like best. But in the end, it'll be your decision and your diploma, Angie.
Personally, I would like to see the "Roar Shock" matting!!!

And maybe we should be nominating Bro' Baer on the most creative spelling on the Grumble???
Are yous makin fen o mi gerd thrade edjerkason, agaen?

Angie? Are you going to just frame with your BA, or are you going on to get a working degree?
As a framer, there are all of those jokes about Abnormal Behavior and all, but I'm serious.

You worked hard enough to get a CPF, and in my book that denotes a choice of professionalism.

But you were also working on a psych degree, which is also not very easy... and I can totaly understand that it deserves a great frame job.

I just all day kept wondering about which job you were committed to. (no pun intended)
Baer- I have decided to use my knowledge of the psychology field for buisiness. I have taken several Industrial psychology course like psychology of leadership, organizational psychology, social psychology... the list continues.... I've taken all of the other requirements for psych too and have thought about going to grad school, but honestly I love to frame.
Psychology was only my second choice of major; first being art but there was no art major at UMR (an engineering school)... I went there because my husband went there. Anyway, I've chosen to continue framing because I love it so much and I can use a lot of what I've learned in college for possibly running/owning a framing buisiness someday. I want to continue learning things about framing also... my goal is to get my MCPF when I have finally been a CPF long enough to take the test. I wish I could take it now. I have to wait about 4 years because of all the rules... ARGGHH!!

Well that's why I'm going all out on my degree... so here is what I think I have decided to frame it like:

I'm going for a very elegant look, I think I am going to paint one of those artcare fillet boards with water colors mixed with hints of liquid gold leaf then in a very light color (I may use a white colored pencil) I am going to make very light wording ... only visible up close... with quotes from Frued, Jung, and probably someone else.
I am also going to use a light cream mat on top with the painted fillet bevel on the inside and I will probably use one of those new larson frames that just came out... I already forgot what they are called. When I finish it I will try to post it... I probably won't even have it done till June/July so it will be a while.
Mmmmm, A shift in the force I feel. The darkside has lost and another has seen the light I think.

Welcome to the ranks of us who hold college degrees that we can frame beautifully and hang in our shops. :D

Sounds like a very special design. Keep us posted.

again, congrats.
Welcome to the ranks of us who hold college degrees that we can frame beautifully and hang in our shops. :D

I couldn't have said it better myself! :D :D :D
Personally, I would like to see the "Roar Shock" matting!!!
And maybe we should be nominating Bro' Baer on the most creative spelling on the Grumble???
The "Roar Shock" matting:
:cool: Rick
Good one, Rick! Not what I had in mind though, exactly...

I was thinking more of an inkblot Rorschach ending up looking like mirror images of a framer with a frame....

Whaddaya think, Angie??? I bet between you and Baer you could make such a design...
Also I think Roar Shock would be a great name for a band and Rick has already designed their first album cover! Demand payment!
Good idea, Mar. That is a great band name. Hope they wouldn't think the cover looked too much like the cover of the first Santana album.

:cool: Rick
Originally posted by Framar:
Good one, Rick! Not what I had in mind though, exactly...

I was thinking more of an inkblot Rorschach ending up looking like mirror images of a framer with a frame....

Whaddaya think, Angie??? I bet between you and Baer you could make such a design...
Also I think Roar Shock would be a great name for a band and Rick has already designed their first album cover! Demand payment!
I love it!.. but I've already figured out what i'm going to do :( .... I can imagine how it would be done though... you could drop blots of ink on a piece of paper and fold it in half and then press it on to the matboard.

I think I've decided to go elegant and classy and I'm definately going to use the idea of incorporating my major and minor into the design.