Goltz Workshop at PPFA New England in June


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Oct 10, 2000
I think it is pretty cool that Jay Goltz will be coming to New England (Taunton, Ma.)in June. He will have a 3 hour workshop in the afternoon, and be our guest speaker in the evening. The workshop is limited to 100. Non-members are welcome to come. Non-members are also welcome to attend the meeting in the evening. There will also be an Open framing competition held, a buffet, and sponsers will have tables set up.

If you would like to come, but are not a member, call David Conner @781-658-1563, or fax him @781-659-4363 for information.

Not only will attendees have the opportunity to meet Jay, a few fellow Grumblers should also be in attendance. Cliff Wilson, Mike @ Get the Picture, AndyPan, and I are all usually there.
We'll be there too. June 21st