Well, I looked at the equipment. The mat cutter looked a little skuzzy, beat up and stuff, but the saw looked pretty good with all sorts of gizmos, arms and channels protruding from it in all directions. I may call him back on the saw. It said (I think) model 1886? on the side, and he told me that he had a extra set of blades for it. There was a ton of cardboard, foamcore, matboard, etc too.
The press was a Seal, and it looked huge. There was a lot of boxes and stuff sitting on it, so I didn't have the lady move it. (She wasn't the owner, just a "neighboring business/sitter" for the owners today until they got there. They were running late, so I got there before they did.
Jerry, if you're interested, I'll e-mail you their phone number. This shop is located in Gatlinburg (amongst the 100 or so other frame shop/galleries) but their phone number is a different area code - 828 if that helps. (I haven't taken time to look up the location.)
I do truly appreciate all your all's input. Maybe I can return the favor some day...
PS I just went to the framesquare site and this looked like the deluxe model. It was on a big cabinet/base thing. Think I ought to go back after it?