Go Figure


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
May 8, 2003
Lubbock, Texas
I had a customer come in today that wanted a photo framed as cheap as possible.

The photo is of his 8 siblings and himself, he is the oldest at 81, and the youngest is 59.
Trying to talk him into a mat was futile. I tried to explain to him that this very glossy photo IS going to stick to the glass. "No I don't need a mat" Ok, well I'm at least going to put spacers between the two. "No". I wasn't putting any pressure on him and we had a great conversation, then in passing I mentioned Newton’s
rings. "What... well I didn't even think about that! Go ahead and put a mat on it."

Come to find out he was a retired physics professor who studied under Richard Feynman.
Originally posted by Rogatory:
Come to find out he was a retired physics professor who studied under Richard Feynman.
Make sure he hangs it on two hooks then...
Ask him if glass is really a liquid!
OK....I give, what are Newton's rings (like nobody else was wonderin' 'cept me).
Denny, they're the colorful, rainbow-like interferance patterns you get when you put two smooth, transparant materials in contact with one-another - like a glossy photo against the glass, or a piece of mylar against glass.


(The other 2464 Grumblers already knew that. :D )
Crap, I was just gonna say that.

I've waited a long time to send along my first post. I've learned so much since January here and thank the many Grumblers who share their time and insight. But Newton's Rings....well, guess that tops it all. Maybe I can go back and retake that awful first year Physics exam from 1970 and do better....no, I guess not.
Thanks. Yeah, framing sans physics will be the path I take.
You also get Newton rings when FramerGuy falls asleep with the top of his head resting against the window of the car.

It can't be real comfortable but it's an interesting effect.
Originally posted by Lance E:
Make sure he hangs it on two hooks then...
Whenever I meet resistance to the idea of hanging a piece from two hooks, I go into my routine that starts "If you reduce the sine of the angle ...".

Customers' eyes glaze over, but at least they stop arguing with me.

Yeahyeah, I know WallBuddies are easier but explaning them to customers isn't nearly so much fun. Some of them actually get it.
