Glue bottles


Grumbler in Training
Feb 18, 2003
Charlottesville, VA
For years I was able to buy a 4 oz plastic bottle with a twist lock cap that was a perfect size for administering glue to miters. The twist lock top was the best I had used to put just the right amount of glue on the miter and at the same time keep the dispenser free of dried glue. These bottles are no longer available because hair color now comes pre-mixed-that was their primary use. After extensive inquiries I have located a source for them and am wondering if framers might be interested in buying them if I made them available. I have never seen anything close that is available from usual framing supplier sources. If I get some encouragement I will pursue this beyond my individual needs.
I keep the glue from clogging the nozzle by putting some ordinary kitchen type plastic wrap
(Glad, Saran) over the opening and then putting on the nozzle cover. The nozzle never clogs as the air can't get to the glue.
Have you tried empty mustard bottles.

If the top is dry and the glue can't be popped off we soak the top in warm water for 1/2 hour and rinse it off. The stuborn glue is removed with a tooth pick.
Try a mat knife on those glue plugs, and you won't even have to soak them in water. I used to do it all the time, when I worked part-time for someone else. They used mustard bottles with Elmer's white glue in them to glue frames. The dratted things were always clogging up. You just catch the edge of the plug with a mat knife, and pop it right off. I, myself, use Cornerweld, in the bottle it comes in, and poke an awl in the top prior to trying to use it every time. Works like a charm. :D
I hear you all talk about your various solutions and remedies. My question was - is anyone interested in the twist top dispenser that I have said that I have found a source for? This is the single best solution to clogged glue bottles. Of course, if you don't twist the top down when you are finished dispensing glue, eventually the top will self-destruct but, hey, we are not talking about a lot of money to solve one heck of a routine pain in the neck framing problem. Let me know if you are sick of dealing with this annoyance.
Let me know if you are sick of dealing with this annoyance.
It looks like the answer is "no."

I don't think this is a major annoyance for most framers.

Now if you can come up with a way to keep Rub'n'Buff from turning rock-solid in the tube before you open it for the first time, you might have some takers.
Well, I am new to this site and got here via Picture Framing Magazine which I have much more respect for than the alternative, Decor Magazine, which was what we had to put up with 24 years ago when I first entered this business but I must say that I thought I was making something of a contribution offering a solution to a day to day problem. If no one sees this issue as a viable concern, then let me offer my expertise by way of solving a problem that you "do" have. I will field any question.
We're glad to have you, GVG. I'm sure you have a lot to offer us with 24 years experience. Heck, I have over 25 years and I still learn stuff here. ;)
Hey, welcome to the Grumble, GVG!! I am sure that you will find most of us tolerable if not downright likeable! (at times)

BTW, there is a guy who visits here occasionally by the name of, uh, ........ Taff, I think, ..........yeah, John is his first name, he probably will have a raft of questions for you if he reads this thread.


I meant no sarcasm. Personally, I HATE sarcasm. But I've been framing a pretty long time and I just figure, if glue drying in the spout was a problem for framers, I'd have it. I have every other conceiveable framing problem.
I use corner weld. The pint bottle. When Im done using it, I have a piece of stainless rod with a hook on one end that I stick in the bottle. Seems to work for me.
I'm either dense or lucky. When I'm done using my Corner Weld, I put the cap on. I do this even if I'm expecting to use it again in a minute or two, since I never know when I'm going to get distracted by a phone call, a customer, The Grumble or a snack in the fridge.

You get a cap with your bottle?

Is that what that little red thing, that always gets lost, is?

If I drop it on the floor the dog eats it. At least with the Stainless rod, she has to chew longer. ;)
I for one would LOVE a source for glue bottles with locking caps. Is this the same kind of cap found on Weldbond bottles??? This is a glue that I buy at Canadian Tire for multi-purpose at home. At the shop I employ two small bottles (hair-coloring variety, which I am running out of since I no longer color my hair) but they don't come with caps, just tops/spouts and these always clog even though I have been trying to keep aluminum nails stuck in. If I go too long between uses, these nails glue themselves in. Stainless is a great idea!!!

The corner weld bottle is usually worse than the PVA. I buy both in gallons and pour into the smaller bottles. I must confess that I do love to fiddle around with glue, I especially love peeling it off of stuff... like glue bottles!

I also have a tip for recapping the gallon jugs of glue without glueing the caps on: Place TWO layers of plastic (like zip-lock thickness) over the neck before screwing the cap on. Only took me 30 years to figure this out. ;)
I guess as a newbie to The Grumble I started off with a case of thin skin. Anyway, thanks for responding to my query. Reference the glue bottles with twist tops - I'll let you all know when my first shipment arrives and I'll send out a free one to anyone who's interested and let you decide for yourselves.
That sounds like a generous offer. Welcome to the Grumble, and even after many posts, sometimes ya just kin never tell how grumblers are gonna respond. Be brave and keep us posted!!!
I didn't think Framar had hair. Sort of pictured him as a bald, motorcycle type. Mirror glasses. Just joking! I use a paper clip to get past the stuck glue. Now, I do have a problem I hope you can solve. Even notice after you go through all that rouble peeling paper off acrylic that every spec of dust in your shop ends up on the sheet? Got to frame two pieces next week with op-3. both are about 5' x 8' so I'll buy a glue bottle if you have a good solution for keeping the dust away!
Originally posted by katman:
I didn't think Framar had hair. Sort of pictured him as a bald, motorcycle type
Framar is a female, still probably a motorcycle type but she has hair I've seen it.
Thanks for the offer, I use a pint bottle with a nail stuck in it. I like the screw cap bottles, but it seems the cap always disappears normally sooner than later, got a way to keep the cap with the bottle?
Katman, meet Framar, who has plenty of hair (not to be confused with our administrator, Framer, who has somewhat less.) I think I recall another Grumbler making a similar error a while back.


When I started using OP-3, I put a humidifier in the shop (during the cold, dry months: October through June, here.) That also helped my black dog with that dandruff problem. For very light cleaning, I use one of those 3M cleaning cloths that I only use for Acrylic and I mist it very slightly with distilled water. That seems to take the static down long enough to get the thing out of the shop.

If you like to do searches, there's lots of discussion about how other folks deal with static and Acrylic.
Thanks Ron & pardon me Framar! The 3M cloth and distilled water sound like a must do. We are running humidifiers now to keep dust down for our photo processing. Helps keep the stuff off the pictures but the acrylic is like a red flower to a hummingbird.
Thanks for the photo, Ron!

Why does eyeryone always think I am a man??? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I am just a gal who loves hardware stores and tools and wood and stuff.

Now that I think on it, I HAVE ridden on the back of two motorcycles in my life. Once with a biker guy who worked in Kramer the Framer's shop with me back in 1970, and I held onto him for dear life as we zoomed around Buffalo. Another time in NYC, clutching a boyfriend who later became a bike messenger (to let you know how HE drove). Scared out of my wits both times. I DO like black leather jackets, though.

Pardon the Frankenthread. Not my fault!!! :cool:

[ 02-24-2003, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: Framar ]
I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate this site. I saw somewhere a question on finding a good vise to join large frames. Let me recommend the Frame Square vise. It is manually foot operated and the clamping mechanism will pull the mitre together as it clamps. Certainly it can handle 5-6" frames. I find it particularly useful when the mitre is not perfect due to warp, twist or bow of a large profile frame. To cut frames that size I have always used the sliding mitre vise by the same company that fits on a table saw. The quality of the cut is limited only by the quality of the table saw and the blade. John C