Glass edge sander/smoother


Feb 27, 2005
Am looking for a small glass edger/smoother like one I used to have that 'walked away'.

It was a small thing that ran along the edges of the framing glass to take the edge off it. Sure did cut down on cuts...

If someone know who supplies these things let me know. I have tried United but no luck.

A glass seamer like this? Larson, United, just about any big supplier should have them. You can also get a small whetstone from FrameTek that does the job nicely.
Get the seamer, save your hands, just ain't worth trying to save a few bucks and then end up giving a few hundred to the ER for a couple of stitches.

I don't use it on Museum glass (to avoid having to clean the stuff) but all else gets 'swiped'. When I sell just the glass to customers, they seem impressed that we take the extra time to help protect their flesh...

Don't know that it prevents breakage, but it definitely saves you from getting cut during cleanig and installing the glass. I feel safer holding the glas longer while flipping it, so I guess you could say that I break less glass now!

Love mine, use it especially when selling glass to customers. They don't get cut as much and I feel safer (legally!) selling glass to them.
Why bother with a tool? Just stand the glass on edge and let the molecules on the sharp edges drip off :rolleyes:
But Dave

the bottom edge gets smoother, and the top edge just gets sharper that way. The seamer has the added benefit of helping the scored edge "heal".