glass cutter problem


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 25, 2004
Tampa, FL
all of a sudden, this week, my wall mounted glass cutter has started NOT breaking,cleanly in the bottom 2-4". nothing impeeding the score slides cleanly out of the way. the glass is firmly againt the metal just wont break consistantly. NATURALLY, it does just great on the 11X14 stuff but the 30X40 makes me get out the pliers
any ideas/remedys? I'm fresh out
You probably did this already - I'd try a fresh cutter (or cutting wheel). That might narrow down the problem if uneven breakage occurs with a new cutter?
It very well might be the glass itself and not your cutter especially if it scores the smaller stuff without problem.

A while back, I had a case of 32 x 40 which cracked at the same point on each sheet when I lowered the guide bar. I couldn’t see anything in the glass, but it was there. Subsequent cases of 32 x 40 were fine.

Next time you try to cut a 30 x 40, flip it around and try to score the other side. It just might be okay.
Same thing has happend to me this week. Mostly wouldn't break at the bottom 2 inches, but sometimes it would just be a huge crescent shape broken out of the middle. I tried a new wheel & same thing. I also thought "maybe it's the glass". Anyway, I just put a little pressure on the wheel by holding the trigger handle thing up with my thumb, and keeping the wheel firmly against the glass as I scored it. Seemed to work.
Ditto. Everytime I have had this problem, it was because I had a tendency to not keep steady pressure on the handle as the wheel scored. On the smaller pieces, we are starting lower and seem to have more consistent pressure. I still occasionally have it happen. :rolleyes:
You might also have an ever so tiny shard of glass impeding the turret head. This happened to us a while back and after we took the thing apart and cleaned it we were good to go. I always tend to apply small preasure with my thumb on the handle any way when scoring.
Most wall mounted glass cutters have a tension adjustment on the handle, yours may be too loose, and this may solve th problem for those of you who just "put a little pressure on the wheel" The adjustment will mean more consistancy, than just using your thumb.
nice to know 'you're not alone' isn't it????
thanks all