Glass Cleaner


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
Anyone pick up a small sample bottle of the glass/plexi cleaner being advertised at the Maxim Glue booth in Atlanta?

I love this stuff. You can use it on anything: plexi, reg glass, Museum, and even (gasp!) Image Perfect....should you happen to have a piece of that lying around. At my stage, I don't care about saving pennies, I want convenience. (Don't even know how it compares with pumice dust and distilled water.) Repeat: I love this stuff, and the cute little sample bottles are terrific for smaller hands. Can't believe I said that.
Sounds wonderful. You say you get it from Maxim Glue?

I have been getting Sprayway cleaner from my local supplier, It works well, has no ammonia, and smells like Sunday School. It just doesn't seem like a proper frame shop without that glass cleaner smell.
It's named Ultra-Lite and comes in a concentrate form which you mix with distilled water. Actually, the name of the company selling it right now is Frame Specialties in Elkhart, Indiana. 800-777-3165

Jeannette, I tried to remove my atg tape from a piece of plexi and it doesn't come off. But then, none of my glass cleaners removes it so I guess I can't be too disappointed. We use Speciality tapes and they are very sticky. Do you have a glass cleaner that takes atg up?
Lighter fluid takes ATG up. Even off the face of an "real" photo. Been afraid to try a inkjet.

Lighter fluid also flashes fast enough to nominally disturb most frame finishes.
I don't have anything to remove the atg but patience and ST. Louie Blue. I just thought you found a new one that might.
Originally posted by Framing Goddess:
What could possibly work better than spitonafinger for removing atg schmears?
It probably depends on what you've been eating.

(Hey, come on! Like I'm the only one that snacks all day in the shop!)